Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's AMAZING how much Verizon Wireless SUCKS!!

Each month when my monthly bill arrives I become even more amazed at how incompetent Verizon and Verizon Wirless really are. I was charged 2 times for each of my 3 phone lines for supposedly being over my alloted minutes plan...yet the total number of minutes was well below what's allowed. I also returned the overpriced data package and hardware that I know longer wanted. They refunded me for the hardware but 'conveniently' forgot to shut off my recurring monthly charge of $59.99.

If my company made as many mistakes and treated customers as poorly as Verizon Wireless does, I would be out of business.

Can someone reccommend a good wireless phone company that actually treats there customers right and doesn't screw so many things up so regularly? I'd sure like to swicth over ASAP.


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