VERY Disturbed with Bush and the Federal Response!!!

'Nuff Said.
I'm usually not this harsh but after watching the news coverage of what's been happening (or not happening really) and hearing the mayor of New Orleans and other State Reps. pleading for help, I have become extremely disturbed and disappointed with our country's leaders. I really feel for the people of New Orleans (and surrounding areas) and wish there were something we could do that would bring immediate help to save lives. I can't for the life of me understand why our government took so long to send major aid, personnel and supplies to this ravished region. We should have sent at a minimum, 10,000-20,000 army and/or marine troops there on Monday to assist with rescue. With all of the looting that has been going on, that should have been the other wake up call to send these numbers of troops to keep the peace while rescue efforts were underway. People shooting at our helicopters that are trying to evacuate vicitims from a hospital?? Hell, we'll show you, I'm going to send in 20,000 troops to kick your Arss if you try that again? That would have been my response. I cannot believe that our President and federal commanders did not order these massive numbers to deploy to this region. It is unbelievable.
And now with the article below saying that the federal gov't will step in and "bolster" the rescue effort b/c it is unsatisfactory is just the icing on the cake. The ENTIRE nation knew that this needed to be done 5 days ago!!! Not 6 days after the event. Our President dropped the ball again in a huge way and reinforces my opinion that he is very unqualified to be our leader. I leave you with this: Where is the money, troops and aid that we've sent overseas now that this occurred in our own backyard? I feel for the people of New Orleans (and surrounding areas) and pray that god creates many, many miracles, because our incompetent President surely isn't doing much to help!!!
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